1. Pour 3 or 4 spoon canned bolognaise sauce (depends personal preferences) into the saucing pan, heat it till it is boiling (tips, pour little bit hot water to prevent the sauce getting into dry). 在平底锅里放入三到4勺的意大利牛肉酱(分量可根据个人喜好而定)加热并不断地搅动小锅,为了防止汁酱烧干,可以倒入适量热水。
2. Why pour one soda for one customer, when you can pour five sodas for five customers? 当你可以为五个顾客倒五杯苏打水时,却为什么只为一个顾客倒一杯水呢?
3. Only communion allows authentic love to pour through the field, and seduction is a poor substitute that actually allows great harmfulness to pour through instead. 只有交融才允许真正的爱从能量场流下,而诱惑只是一个可怜的取代品,实际上反而允许了巨大的伤害在其中流动。
4. Based on mechanism and molecular structure designing of pour point depressant(PPD), four-yuan pour point depressant KFC with a structure of alternating copolymerization was synthesized. 从降凝机理及降凝剂分子结构设计入手,合成了一种具有交替共聚结构的四元KFC降凝剂,研究了反应条件对降凝降滤效果的影响。
5. In connection with the fluidity of high pour-point oil, and it is very sensitive to temperature, when we produce high pour-point oil by all ways of thermal recovery. 由于高凝油的流动性与温度极其敏感,高凝油开采无论采取何种方法,必须考虑温度对井筒的影响。
pour forth 倾出;
get off leave roll out sally forth set forth set off 动身;
get off leave roll out sally forth set forth set off 动身;
Ballade Pour Adeline 给爱德林的诗;
致艾 德 琳;
add fuel to the flames pour oil on the flames 火上浇油;