1. If Your Excellency has any opinion, can contact page to leave opinion. 如果阁下有任何意见,可在联络页留下意见。
2. S. public opinion survey public-opinion surveys show the decillion supports declining support for the war in Afghanistan. 美国民意调查表明对于阿富汗战争的支持率下滑。
3. A favorable opinion of self can put a person on a hair trigger, especially when this favorable opinion is unwarranted. 对自己的良好评价会让人陷于一触即发的状态,特别是这一评价毫无根据的时候。
4. In proportion as the structure of a government gives force to public opinion, it is essential that public opinion should be enlightened. 政府组织给予舆论以力量,舆论也应相应地表现得更有见地,这是非常重要的。
5. Contrary to popular opinion, frogs aren't just selective eaters, feasting only on flies. Take the bullfrog, for example. 与大众的看法相反的是,蛙类并不是选择性的只吃苍蝇的捕食者。例如像牛蛙。