1. Open the safety sealed bottle plug and replace it with the plastic plug, set it upside down and squeeze the plastic plug to let the liquid to outflow. 开瓶方法: 打开密封安全瓶塞,在瓶口套上胶头,倒置挤压胶头原液即可流出。
2. We've seen already that information about a plug-in can be obtained from the plug-in's manifest file without ever running any of the plug-in's code. 我们可以看到包含在插件的manifest文件中的插件信息,而不需要运行插件的任何代码。
3. Unless specified in the plug-in guide, the plug-in authors should not write plug-ins which in some way depend on the invocation order. 除非在插件向导中具体指明,否则,插件作者应当避免开发以某种方式依赖于调用命令的插件。
4. Base on the dense phase pneumatic conveying experiment of cement, the relations among plug pressure, plug velocity and plug length were investigated. 基于对水泥的密相气力输送试验,研究了栓压、栓速、栓长之间的关系。
5. Open the safety sealed bottle plug and replace it with the plastic plug, set it upside down and squeeze the plastic plug to let the liquid to outflow. 开瓶方法: 打开密封安全瓶塞,在瓶口套上胶头,倒置挤压胶头原液即可流出。
sparking plug spark plug 火花塞;
it should be a solid connection between the plug from controller with the cigarette-plug from the car 控制器的点烟器插头要和汽车上的点烟器插座要插接牢固.;