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    1. In this study, tests for initial setting time of plaster are conducted by adopting plaster with 4 different initial setting times and by adding S type retarder for plaster.
    2. Modifying:fill the seams with cement plaster(or with cement plaster and plaster slip)after an amount of tiles were done.
    3. General plaster vacuum mixer can make calcium plaster with sound fluidity and low air content rapidly, enhance the application frequency of the plaster mold and enhance the smoothness of surfaces.
    4. Based on the market demand, common paper plaster tablet, refractory pa per plaster tablet and waterproof plaster tablet could be produced.
    5. Plaster of paris: Quick-setting gypsum plaster consisting of a fine white powder, calcium sulfate hemihydrate, which hardens when moistened and allowed to dry.
    熟石膏 : 一种快凝石膏灰浆,为精细的白粉(半水硫酸钙),掺水后再次干燥时硬化。


    Paris Paris perdu
    巴黎,迷失的巴黎; 巴黎巴黎也曾沦丧;
    Paris verticillata verticillate paris
    Ifa Paris Shanghai Fashion School From Paris
    Plaster of Paris
    石膏; 烧石膏; 熟石膏,锻石膏,干燥硫酸钙; 熟石膏;
    plaster of paris reader
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