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    1. Though legal norms play a decisive role in a judge's judgment by precedency limiting the content of judgment, they can not provide the judge with more detailed information for his judgment.
    2. Knowledge is judgment "Innate comprehensive judgment" is a logic judgment with the combination of innate forms aid acquired material.
    3. Arshavin would have added to Arsenal's threat, but their tactics must remain the same without him. Pass, pass, pass and look to pick holes in United's suddenly creaky back four.
    4. For truly I say to you, Until heaven and earth pass away, one iota or one serif shall by no means pass away from the law until all come to pass.
    5. There were a number of middle-long pass misplays in matches whose reasons were because the pass direction was improper and the pass strength was improper.


    rehearing to pass a new judgment or sentence
    pass judgment on
    宣判; 对...作出评价;
    pass judgment on
    宣判; 对...作出评价;
    check and pass judgment on prisoners
    check out pass pass muster
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