1. International overseas transport: the quickly expanding exportations of the Chinese economy is a good opportunity for GDL to provide door to door deliveries using GEFCO's world Overseas network. 国际货运:中国出口经济的高速增长为捷富凯-大田提供了良好的契机,利用捷富凯的全球海外业务网络向客户提供世界范围的门到门服务。
2. a. The bonded warehouse can function as transfer station, temporarily storing goods from overseas and to be sold to other areas overseas, similar to the carrying trade of Hong Kong. 进口转出口的功能,以保税仓库作为中转站,可以将境外的货物在保税仓库暂存后,转向境外其他地区销售,类似香港的转口贸易;
3. IV. Overseas promotion by CCPIT overseas offices and CCPIT partners. 利用中国贸促会网络向海内外进行推广。
4. Application letter written with stamp from universities or schools in which overseas students are studying. Overseas students' Passport, Residence Permit and copies. 探望外国留学生的,提供留学生就读院校公函及留学生护照和居留许可的原件及其复印件;
5. The CSDCL shall, according to its operation rules, process the matters concerning the centralized register and deposit of non-overseas listed shares of overseas listed companies. 中登公司根据其业务规则,办理境外上市公司非境外上市股份的集中登记存管事宜。