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    1. Forces that can disturb this natural Balance are selection, mutation, gene flow, and natural selection. Certain gene-controlled traits are selected for or against by the partners involved.
    2. sib selection The selection of breeders in an artificial selection program based on the phenotypic value of their sibs.
    3. Make a selection (Right-click and choose "Make selection") from the working path (0px feather), copy and paste the selection onto our document.
    4. First of all, this selection from the selection of corrosion-resistant chemical pump types and forms of beginning, then what does the principle of pump selection?
    5. sib selection The selection of breeders in an artificial selection program based on the phenotypic value of their sibs.


    Review of Selection Criteria and Marking Scheme for Green Minibus Operators Selection Exercises
    diameter limit selection cutting extensive selection cutting
    survival of the fittest in natural selection
    物竞天择; 物竞天择,适者生存;
    survival of the fittest in natural selection
    物竞天择; 物竞天择,适者生存;
    natural selection
    自然选择; 自然淘汰; 天择; 物竞天择;
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