1. Marquis de Vauban are Napoleon's most famous military strategist, Napoleon is the most effective military aides. 沃邦侯爵是拿破仑年代最著名的军事家,也是拿破仑最得力的军事助手。
2. In 1802, for instance, Napoleon, and in 1851 Louis-Napoleon used referendums to concentrate power and change the system into an imperial system. 例如1802年拿破仑以及1851年路易拿破仑都是透过全民投票,来集中权力进而改变体制进入帝国制度。
3. The aluminous bowl of Napoleon and Buddhist are tall " helianthus " sansei of French emperor Napoleon is a person that likes play the peacock. 拿破仑的铝碗和梵高的《向日葵》法国皇帝拿破仑三世是一个喜欢炫耀自己的人。他常常大摆宴席,宴请天下宾客。
4. Is an old fishing port, the island also recreation center, the provincial capital of Corse-du-Sud, is also the home of Napoleon Bonaparte, Napoleon in 1769 on the birth of here. 是一个古老的渔港,也是该岛的活动中心,南科西嘉省的省会,也是拿破仑·波拿巴的故乡,1769年拿破仑就诞生在这里。
5. The Institute had the academician , Napoleon Bonaparte, stricken from its list of members. 法兰西学院任人把院士拿破仑·波拿巴从它的名册上除名。