1. To marry a monkey merely for fortune is not wise. When the fortune goes off, the monkey is still the monkey. 纯粹是为了财富而跟一个猴子结婚,到头来钱没了,猴子还是猴子。——埃及谚语。
2. Monkey see, monkey do. I want to play with all of you. We flap our wings like birds, or jump around like a frog. 猴子见什么学什么,我想和你们一起玩啊!我要象小鸟一样挥舞着翅膀,象青蛙一样跳来跳去。
3. Monkey soldiers on the game field events : Monkey soldiers battlefield situation, like Sun Wu as significant. Invincible. 战地风云之猴战士游戏介绍:战地风云之猴战士,有如孙大圣一样神勇无敌。
4. The monkey painted here is said to be a Japanese monkey, rather than a Chinese kind. The expression of the fur, painted in India ink and gold dust, is extremely fine and natural. 据说所画的是日本猴而非中国猴,除水墨之外还使用了金泥,工笔细腻自然。
5. A magistrate give her a monkey as gift. She is very happy, and order to wear the monkey a yellow mandarin jacket. 一位地方官员送给慈禧一只猴子,她颇为高兴,竟下旨给那只猴子穿黄马褂。
goober groundnut monkey nut monkey-nut 落花生;
goober groundnut monkey nut monkey-nut 落花生;
goober groundnut monkey nut monkey-nut 落花生;
dawdle away drone away lounge away monkey around on the fly 闲混;
dawdle away drone away lounge away monkey around on the fly 闲混;