1. Instead, the character of Mary was split into tw Mary the mother of Jesus, believed to be a virgin, and Mary Magdalene, believed to be a woman of ill repute. 事实上,玛丽亚这个人物被分成两部分:耶稣的母亲玛利亚被认为是一个**;玛丽亚抹大拉被认为是一个坏名声的女人。
2. Instead, the character of Mary was split into tw Mary the mother of Jesus, believed to be a virgin, and Mary Magdalene, believed to be a woman of ill repute . 事实上,玛丽亚这个人物被分成两部分:耶稣的母亲玛利亚被认为是一个处女;玛丽亚抹大拉被认为是一个坏名声的女人。
3. He is a "ward heeler. " He was given this name because he was said to be a man who, like a dog, " comes to heel , " is quick to obey his master, the boss of the ward. 这就是“选区的跟屁虫”,这种称呼的来由是因为这种人像走狗一样“紧跟”主子,对他的主子,即选区头头,惟命是从。
4. Since the prefectural hospital in Tono closed its maternity ward in 2002, pregnant women have had no choice but to make the drive to Kamaishi, or another city with a maternity ward. 本世纪开始以来,日本已有数百家医院与诊所关闭产科病房,把注意力转向获利潜力更大的老人照护事业。
5. "Improved Fire Ward": This talent will now work correctly with rank 6 of "Fire Ward". “强化火焰防护”天赋将正确的作用于“火焰防护结界(等级6)”