1. Rooms in the Resort are very special. There are pine lodge rooms, standard lodge rooms, cabins, chalet, and the Pilot House. 度假村的房间也是非常特殊的,分成几类:松木间,标准间,独立木屋,休假木屋,以及高档木屋。
2. These bigoted images and attitudes will lodge deeply in children's consciousness. 这些偏执的形象和态度会深植入儿童的意识中。
3. The townspeople receive billet order them to lodge the regiment overnight. 镇民接到命令,要为一团官兵提供一夜住宿。
4. And there went also with us some of the disciples from Caesarea, bringing with them one Mnason a Cyprian, an old disciple, with whom we should lodge. 有几个凯撒勒雅的门徒,也和我们同去,他们领我们到一个久为门徒的塞浦路斯人木纳松那里住宿。
5. If the absolute reference frame is admitted, in accordance with FitzGerald-Lorentz length contraction effect and Lodge-Lorentz time dilation effect, the slide down paradox can be eliminated. 如果承认存在绝对参考系,按斐兹杰惹-洛伦兹长度收缩效应和洛奇-洛伦兹时间延缓效应,就可以消除滑落悖论。