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    1. We must perfect legislation, strengthen land levy by law, strictly limit the abuse of land levy power and rescue damaged right on time and protect private property right.
    2. China starting from January 1 this year on naphtha, solvent oil, lubricating oil by 0. 2 yuan per liter consumption tax levy, 0. 1 yuan per liter and fuel oil consumption tax levy.
    3. January 1, 2006, in the context of a property tax levy housing functions underground construction will levy property tax in accordance with the relevant provisions.
    4. Bad weather, such as the heavy summer rains, after drouth, which saturate ploughed soil, reduce soil shear strength, facilitate masse soil movement, and instigate gulling.
    5. Bad weather, such as the heavy summer rains, after drouth, which saturate ploughed soil, reduce soil shear strength, facilitate masse soil movement, and instigate gulling.


    levy en masse
    总动员; 居民军;
    collectively en masse universally
    en masse
    全体地; 大批,集体地; 集体地; 大群的;
    collectively en masse universally
    en masse
    全体地; 大批,集体地; 集体地; 大群的;
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