1. Partial payment, late payment or unidentifiable payment will not be regarded as a valid payment. 局部缴款、逾期缴款或不能予以识辨的缴款将不会视为有效的缴款。
2. The immediate gratification bias describes decision makers who tend to want immediate rewards and to avoid immediate costs. 满足偏见是描述那些趋向于想直接获得报酬的和避免直接花费的决策者。
3. The immediate gratification bias describes decision makers who tend to want immediate rewards and to avoid immediate costs. 满足偏见是描述那些趋向于想直接获得报酬的和避免直接花费的决策者。
4. When the bank makes a payment for a confirmed deferred payment, it shall write-off the said deferred payment in the system. 银行为经确认的延期付款对外支付时,须在系统中对该笔延期付款办理相应的注销手续。
5. Payment method any change, the examinee still has not been possible carries on the payment through on-line payment or the bank cable transfer. 付款方式没有任何变化,考生依然可以通过网上付款或银行电汇进行付款。