1. Since the prefectural hospital in Tono closed its maternity ward in 2002, pregnant women have had no choice but to make the drive to Kamaishi, or another city with a maternity ward. 本世纪开始以来,日本已有数百家医院与诊所关闭产科病房,把注意力转向获利潜力更大的老人照护事业。
2. Special hospitals, such as rehabilitation hospital, bone injury hospital, frontal hospital and hemiparalysis rehabilitation hospital. 各专科医院。如:康复医院、骨科医院、老年病医院、偏瘫康复医院。
3. Hospital brand could increase hospital creditableness, improve employee solidarity, promote hospital management efficiency and build harmonious hospital and patient relations. 树立医院的品牌,可以扩大医院的声誉,增加员工的凝聚力,提高医院的管理效率,也便于医院营造和谐的医患关系。
4. Early isolation of infectious patients would reduce hospital outbreaks leading to fewer ward/hospital closures. 早期隔离感染患者会减少医院内爆发,导致较少的病房或医院关闭。
5. Early isolation of infectious patients would reduce hospital outbreaks leading to fewer ward/hospital closures. 早期隔离感染患者会减少医院内爆发,导致较少的病房或医院关闭。