1. second-hand laptop computers, Internet second-hand computers, second-hand computer recycling company, second-hand server recovery, recycling second-hand switch. 二手笔记本电脑,网吧二手电脑,公司二手电脑回收,二手服务器回收,二手交换机回收。
2. The intelligent hand shows better bio-imitability and adaptability than the conventional hand, it is a necessary trend of research development from EMG controlled hand to the intelligent hand. 由于智能假手比普通假手具有更好的仿生性和适应性,由肌电假手向智能肌电假手的研究发展也是假手发展的必然趋势。
3. The love story: hand in hand, hand in it, it in hand, it in it. 爱的故事:手在手之中,手在它里面,它在手里面,它在它之中。
4. Drew near yesterday black his against the wind risks pluvial ground to ran to declare to, early in the morning rises today old Sun Shu of side long-term hired hand cleans byre. 新官上任三把火,小牛倌石虎子也算一个官。昨天傍黑他顶风冒雨地跑来报了到,今天一早便起来帮长工老孙叔打扫牛栏。
5. Last year we hired a crane to lift some giant unclipped bays over a house because they were physically impossible to move by hand. 去年我们曾雇了一辆起重机,将一些巨大的未经修剪的月桂树吊过房顶,因为它们实在无法用手搬动。