1. Besides, strung is beautiful apron, pull continuously long hair, walk into multicolored and flowery kitchen, why be to love what beautiful woman shows other assonant ingredient to choose. 况且,系上漂亮围裙,挽起缕缕长发,走进斑斓绚丽的厨房,又何不是爱美女子展现另类韵味之选。
2. My atmosphere is fully recycled by the plants and the soil they are rooted in, and by the labyrinth of noisy ductwork and pipes strung through the foliage. 我所赖以生存的氧气由舱内种植的绿色植物以及错综复杂、轰隆作响的管道系统共同产生,二者缺一不可。
3. The parade strung out for almost five miles. 游行队伍几乎有五英里长。
4. The police strung out across the field looking for clues. 警察按一定距离散开,在田里寻找线索。
5. So far Iran has evaded or strung out talks, as its uranium-enrichment machines have spun on. 到目前,由于伊朗铀浓缩设备已经开动起来,其一直在躲避或拖延谈判。
Highly Strung 弦舞;
(指人)神经过敏的 容易激动的;
strung cock neck hackle 公鸡项毛串线;
strung out 有吸毒瘾的;