1. The heating method includes, fuel heating, gas heating, coal heating, steam heating, electric heating, etc. 按加热方式可分为燃油加热、燃气加热、燃煤加热、蒸汽加热、电加热等;
2. The heating method includes, fuel heating, gas heating, coal heating, steam heating, electric heating, etc. 按加热方式可分为燃油加热、燃气加热、燃煤加热、蒸汽加热、电加热等;
3. Heating Method: electric heating of heat transfer oil, (heat transfer) oil recirculation heating, biphenyl static heating, or diphenyl recirculation heating. 加热方式:导热油电加热、导热油循环加热、静态联笨加热和联笨循环加热可供选择;
4. Heating method: electric heating of heat transfer oil, electric heating of diphenyl, diphenyl static heating, or biphenyl recirculation heating. 加热方式:导热油电加热、导热油循环加热、静态联笨加热和联笨循环加热可供选择;
5. Heating Method: (heat transfer) oil recirculation heating, biphenyl recirculation heating, electric heating of heat transfer oil, or electric heating of diphenyl. 加热方式:导热油循环加热、联笨循环、导热油电加热和联苯电加热可供选择。
central heating radiator heating plate 暖气片;
self-heating food expander self-heating type food-expander machine 自热式食品膨化机;
Heating Cable floor radiant heating 发热电缆地面辐射供暖;
steam heating asphalt melting and heating unit 蒸汽加热式沥青熔化加热装置;