1. A left seminormal orthodox semigroup is an orthodox semigroup whose idempotents form a left seminormal band. We deal with natures of a left seminormal orthodox semigroup with an inverse transversal. 左半正规纯正半群是幂等元集形成左半正规带的纯正半群。 本文讨论了具有逆断面的左半正规纯正半群上的一些性质;
2. A left seminormal orthodox semigroup is an orthodox semigroup whose idempotents form a left seminormal band. We deal with natures of a left seminormal orthodox semigroup with an inverse transversal. 左半正规纯正半群是幂等元集形成左半正规带的纯正半群。本文讨论了具有逆断面的左半正规纯正半群上的一些性质;
3. The record deals a lot with religion and that is why she is holding that paternoster in her mouth. It is a symbol of Greek orthodox religion. 这张专辑和宗教有很大联系,因此她把主祷文(字典上查的这个词,但好像不太对-_-)叼在嘴里,这是希腊的正统宗教的象征。
4. On Friday, a bomb explosion caused minor damage outside a Greek Orthodox church in the Gaza Strip. 周五,在希腊东正教教堂炸弹爆炸导致了较小的毁坏。
5. Never mind that the Greek Orthodox church in Istanbul has dwindled to 4, 000 souls, many of them too old to follow their children abroad. 其实大可不必杞人忧天,伊斯坦布尔的希腊正教徒数量已经缩减到4000人,他们中的许多人年事已高,不能跟随自己的子女出国。
greek orthodox church 希腊正教;
African Greek Orthodox Church 非洲希腊正教会;
Greek Orthodox Church of Antioch 安提阿牧首;
Byzantine Music Of The Greek Orthodox Church 希腊正教拜占庭音乐;
Greek Orthodox Patriarchate of Alexandria 希腊正教亚历山大里亚牧首区;