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    1. HB: You seem to imply that your work success is because of luck. Are success and luck the same thing? Is luck how you got to be so successful?
    2. HB: You seem to imply that your work success is because of luck. Are success and luck the same thing? Is luck how you got to be so successful?
    3. So good luck to Dario Simic, and good luck to Rodrigo Digao, who will play next season with Standard Luik and who will always be followed by the Milan observers.
    4. I think black cats are good luck, not bad luck.
    5. Your next opportunity will come when Venus, the planet ruling your house of home, conjoins Jupiter, giver of gifts and luck, on December 1, 2008, for another hit of luck.


    Good bye Good Luck
    Good-bye and good luck
    再见 祝你好运;
    luck up make a scoop be in the ascendant get one's innings have one's day play big luck strike it rich
    luck up make a scoop be in the ascendant get one's innings have one's day play big luck strike it rich
    be down on one's luck fluke hard cheese hit the skids rough luck
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