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    1. You have to get off the couch, get your eyes off the TV screen, get your hands off the phone (unless it contributes to your success), and get your mind and body to work!
    2. Some fighters have a chin, but no heart. They never get knocked out, but they still lose fights because they allow themselves to get out boxed or out worked.
    3. The choice was stay there, get whacked and possibly get injured, or react and get out of the way.
    4. FATHER: "Listen, young man. There's a time and a place for jokes and a time and place for spankings. And the sooner you learn -- get out. Get out! ""
    5. Anxious traders who buy near the tops (points C and E) get shaken out, or else they tensely wait to get out at breakeven.


    get the air get the axe get the bird get the gate get the hook get the knock
    get the air get the axe get the bird get the gate get the hook get the knock
    get the air get the axe get the bird get the gate get the hook get the knock
    get the air get the axe get the bird get the gate get the hook get the knock
    get the air get the axe get the bird get the gate get the hook get the knock
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