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    1. You have to get off the couch, get your eyes off the TV screen, get your hands off the phone (unless it contributes to your success), and get your mind and body to work!
    2. But God rebukes them, and they flee far away, swept away like chaff on the hills before the wind, whirled away like eddying dust before the thunderstorm.
    3. And straight away he made his disciples get into the boat, and go before him to the other side to Beth-saida, while he himself sent the people away.
    4. At least twice a year a man should close up all of his trades, get entirely out of the market, and go away for a vacation or stay away from the market and rest up.
    5. I know the feeling. Usually I get it every spring. I feel I have to get away from it all, you know, seek new horizons, new beginnings.


    get the air get the axe get the bird get the gate get the hook get the knock
    get the air get the axe get the bird get the gate get the hook get the knock
    get the air get the axe get the bird get the gate get the hook get the knock
    get the air get the axe get the bird get the gate get the hook get the knock
    get the air get the axe get the bird get the gate get the hook get the knock
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