1. A young boy steals a luxury limousine to earn the respect of a gang of car thieves - hoping to join their gang. 一个年青男孩窃取了一辆大型的豪华高级轿车,目的是赢得偷车帮的尊敬,希望能参加他们的帮会。
2. Before a gang of thugs could even put out their cigarettes, this 'wedding party 'swooped down on a village in Guangdong, capturing a gang of cigarette racketeers. 在一伙恶棍还没来得及把香烟掐灭之前,这支‘迎亲队'就猛然扑向了广东的一个小村庄,抓捕了一个香烟骗子团伙。
3. Manufacture technology backwardly to change Wu Gang, the country built " in Wu Gang at approval of 70 time metaphase project of system of rolling mill of a meter of 7 " . 为改变武钢落后的生产工艺,国家于70年代中期批准在武钢建设了“一米七”轧机系统工程。
4. The organized crime with Gang nature is a conceptual category that differs from Gang's crime and organized crime as well as has connections with them. 黑社会性质组织犯罪是与黑社会犯罪、有组织犯罪既有区别又有联系的概念范畴和社会现象。
5. The Mining Foreman - Laser Optimization gang link now provides a duration bonus to gang members mining lasers, gas cloud harvesters and ice harvesters. 开采先锋-激光优化现在的加成已经变成:减少团队成员采矿激光器,气云采集器和冰矿采集器循环周期的加成。
criminal gang engaged in abducting and trafficking people 拐卖人口犯罪团伙;
criminal gang engaged in abducting and trafficking people 拐卖人口犯罪团伙;