1. Sellers are going to retire and very motivated. This is a normal sale, not short sale, not REO sale. 屋主将会退休并愿意提供便利,这是普通销售,不是卖空或银行拥有屋交易。
2. Some ideas suggested include a golf outing, T-shirt/sweatshirt sale with a student design contest, Chinese pastry sale, and a face painting booth and craft sale at the New Year party. 目前的方案包括﹕贩卖高尔夫球装及配件﹐T恤,毛线衣搭配由学生设计的校徽﹐在新年晚会中举行贩卖中式糕点及手工艺品﹐画脸等活动以增进财源。
3. Article 3 The sale of commercial houses includes spot sale and advance sale. 第三条商品房销售包括商品房现售和商品房预售。
4. Apiaries, ecological bee gardens, honey-collecting halls, production and sale teams and enterprises have their own typical products, kinds of which are larger on sale in markets. 我们参观的蜂场、蜜蜂生态园、蜂采馆、产销班及公司都有自己的特色产品,台湾市场上销售的蜂产品更是琳琅满目。
5. It is a professional manufacturer, integrating design, mold making, production, sale, installation and after-sale service. 是集设计,模具制造,生产,销售,安装,售后服务一体的专业制造厂商。
a liquidation sale a rummage sale 清仓拍卖;
Jumble sale Rummage sale 清仓大拍卖,杂物拍卖;
Dutch auction auction public sale roup sale vendue 拍卖;