1. Sometimes feel oneself is also pretty bad, sometimes feel oneself also lovely, sometimes feel oneself is so much realistic, sometimes feel oneself very strange. 有时觉得自己也挺坏,有时觉得自己也可爱,有时觉得自己好现实,有时觉得自己好奇怪。
2. I feel the family is the core design, I use a lot of warmth, the restaurant can feel the light feel at home. 家的感觉是我设计的核心,我使用了大量的暖色,餐厅里的光更能感觉到家的温馨。
3. I used to feel exhausted in the morning after years of working pressure, but now I feel full of energy because of the solar therapy. I feel very active even till night. 本来因工作压力长年累积下来的疲惫,早上都有种爬不起来瘫痪的感觉,这样修持以后,一整天身体精神都很好,到晚上也不觉得累。
4. Do you look at the others point of view how they feel, why they feel think and act as they do? 你是否站在他人的观点去看他们的感受如何,为什麽他们会有这样的感受、想法和行为?
5. This means, the children have to feel, that they acted badly, and they have to feel, that they can also act beneficially, if they make the effort. 就是说,这些孩子需要去意识到他们做错了,意识到只要努力,他们可以用其它有益的方式解决问题。
Can get in the way of what I feel for you You you Can get in the way of what I feel for you 能阻挡我对你的爱;