1. Guidebooks warn tourists of Peruvian time—be fashionably late for parties and dinner or risk a faux pas. 旅游指南经常警告观光客留意秘鲁的时间—参加派对或晚宴时要时髦地迟到,否则可能会犯下社交大错。
2. Bush is no stranger to the occasional faux pas, and often jokes about his habit of mangling the English language. 布什总统爱犯口误已不是什么新鲜事,他也常常拿自己爱说错话的毛病开玩笑。
3. But Marburger does see his office serving as a faux pas detector, helping to avoid the awkward misstatements by administration officials that preceded his arrival. 不过,马伯格知道自己有「明察秋毫」的责任,协助政府官员避免「重蹈覆辙」,做出他到任前那些尴尬的错误声明。
4. Unlike a fashion faux pas, a career killer outfit can do your professional image permanent damage. 与时装过失不同,职场杀手会给你的职业形象带来永久性的伤害。
5. Another communication faux pas is transferring a customer from one telephone extension to another. 另一个沟通失礼是把顾客从一个电话传到另一个电话。