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    1. Electrical communication is a significant part of the modern electrical system, one of the three backbones for the safe running of the modern electrical net.
    2. Description of following: structure of three kinds of electrical tar filter, Location of electrical tar filter in the gas purification system and advantages of honeycomb-like electrical tar filter.
    3. Fitting is used for autobicycle start electrical machiney, Car forced convection air heater, Electric tool electrical machiney waits for miniature electrical machiney rotor slot insert empire paper.
    4. The article sums up the advantage and disadvantage of three electrical bridges (four arm bridge, variable electrical bridge and double T electrical bridge)and their principle.
    5. It has high application value in electrical, electronic and electrical chemistry industry because of its small value of interface resistance at transit electrical point.


    Safety of household and similar electrical appliances--Particular requirements for food blenders and similar electrical appliances
    家用和类似用途电器的安全 食物搅碎器及类似用途电器的特殊要求;
    Safety of household and similar electrical appliances--Particular requirements for electrical heat pumpsair-conditioners and dehumidifiers
    家用和类似用途电器的安全 热泵、空调器和除湿机的特殊要求; 家用和类似用途电器的安全 热泵、空调器和除湿机的特别要求;
    Built-in thermal protection for rotating electrical machines - Rules for protection of rotating electrical machines
    旋转电机装入式热保护 旋转电机的保护规则;
    optical-electrical converter optical-to-electrical transducer photoelectric converter
    optical-electrical converter optical-to-electrical transducer photoelectric converter
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