1. Feet/hands moisturizer: Soak feet in a small tub of warm water with 1 cup of apple-cider vinegar. Remove feet and apply petroleum jelly. Cover feet with socks.

足部、手部润肤: 将一杯苹果醋倒入一小盆热水中,双脚浸入,等足部浸泡完毕后涂上凡士林冻胶,以短袜裹之。
2. Volume: Cubic Feet, Inch, Yards, Acre-Feet, Board Feet, Millimeters, Centimeters, Meters, Kilometers, Miles, Gallons, Liters, and Fluid Ounces.

3. After 20min massage feet with foot care massage cream, and then washout feet with cleaning foot lotion, finally nurse feet with foot guard essence.

4. BGZJ-I Feet cutter is designed for cutting pig's feet and lamb's feet, it is ideal to be used in meat cutting processing line.

5. Drag onto the page to add a scale symbol with automatic numbering. Drag a side handle to stretch and renumber.
