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    1. In Winchester disk technology, by a read/write head in some magnetic disk unit, to come into contact with the disk surface in a "landing zone" as a normal step during deceleration of the disk.
    2. In Winchester disk technology, by a read/write head in some magnetic disk unit, to come into contact with the disk surface in a "landing zone" as a normal step during deceleration of the disk.
    3. In Winchester disk technology, by a read/write head in some magnetic disk unit, to come into contact with the disk surface in a "landing zone" as a normal step during deceleration of the disk.
    4. In Winchester disk technology, by a read/write head in some magnetic disk unit, to come into contact with the disk surface in a "landing zone" as a normal step during deceleration of the disk.
    5. In some magnetic disk systems, such as Winchester technology disk systems, a band on a disk surface on which a read / write head takes off and lands and on which it rests when the disk is stopped.


    disk file disk memory disk storage magnet disk memory magnetic disc memory magnetic disc store
    disk file disk memory disk storage magnet disk memory magnetic disc memory magnetic disc store
    disk file disk memory disk storage magnet disk memory magnetic disc memory magnetic disc store
    disk file disk memory disk storage magnet disk memory magnetic disc memory magnetic disc store
    disk file disk memory disk storage magnet disk memory magnetic disc memory magnetic disc store


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