1. Through Go training children develop important cognitive skills including spatial ability, logic, analytical skill, abstract reasoning and deductive reasoning. 通过围棋,小朋友可加强专注力、空间感、逻辑分析、抽象思维及推理能力。
2. The results show the restes' ability of logical thinking is generally unsatisfactory. and that their non-deductive ability is generally better than their deductive ability. 结果显示,受测试者的逻辑思维能力一般而言差强人意,而他们在非演绎推理方面的能力则稍优于演绎推理。
3. Truth can not merely be discerned by deductive reasoning but can only be more deeply understood by inductive study and skepticism. 靠推理不能仅仅洞察真相而只是靠感应学习和怀疑论就有更深的理解。
4. DEDUCTIVE REASONING: When you reason deductively, you begin with generalizations (premises) and apply them to a specific instance to draw a conclusion about that instance. 归纳推理: 当你进行归纳推理,你从一些实例(事实或意见)开始 ,并利用它们来得出一般性结论。
5. Mathematic and logic depend extensively on the deductive method of reasoning . 数学和逻辑学广泛地依靠推理的演绎方法。
Inductive reasoning and Deductive reasoning 关于归纳法与演绎法;
Inductive reasoning and Deductive reasoning 关于归纳法与演绎法;