1. But school of criminal anthropology and school of criminal sociology stressed the criminal personality, they emphasized that the criminal personality is important in sentencing. 而刑事人类学派和刑事社会学派注重对犯罪分子个体的研究,从犯罪个体中去研究惩罚的力度,在量刑的时候着重考察犯罪分子的人身危险性的大小。
2. But school of criminal anthropology and school of criminal sociology stressed the criminal personality, they emphasized that the criminal personality is important in sentencing. 而刑事人类学派和刑事社会学派注重对犯罪分子个体的研究,从犯罪个体中去研究惩罚的力度,在量刑的时候着重考察犯罪分子的人身危险性的大小。
3. The management of criminal investigation team, which aims to improve the criminal investigation department combating and preventing criminal activities of criminal capacity. 对刑侦队伍管理的研究,其目的是为了提高刑事侦查部门打击和预防刑事违法犯罪活动方面的能力。
4. So the idea of ultima ratio of penalty should be build up in Chinese criminal law because it is very important to criminal policy, criminal legislation and judicial practice. 在我国,树立刑法的最后手段性观念,对刑事政策的制定、刑事立法和司法实践都具有重要的指导意义。
5. The psychological traces are the summation of all kinds of psychological factors, which control criminal suspect's crimes. Criminal psychology is undivided with criminal crimes. 心理痕迹是支配犯罪嫌疑人实施犯罪行为的各种心理因素的总和,犯罪心理与犯罪行为是不可分割的统一体;