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    1. The information asymmetry of credit market causes credit admeasure appearance, form credit gap then.
    信贷 市场 的 信息 不对 称 导致 信贷 配 给现 象,进而 形 成信 贷缺 口 。
    2. Firstly, the paper gives a certain definition of credit. By means of summering the development of credit and relative concepts, the concept of personal credit is defined.
    3. personal credit system to play a role in two secondary point that perfect personal credit investigation mechanisms and norms of personal credit rating mechanisms.
    4. CGD, through BCA, will provide a medium-term credit line to finance the acquisition and assembly of solar panels under more attractive conditions that currently offered by consumer credit.
    5. Conduct in-depth credit analysis and provide sound credit recommendation on new dealer application of wholesale loan and line increase of existing TMFCN dealership;


    A research in the perfection of the credit system of commercial bank in social credit system construction
    下一篇论文: 论社会信用体系建设中商业银行信用体系的完善;
    Credit words High credit quality
    Credit risk and credit rating in enterprise bond market
    Article 3- 1 Credit cooperatives and insurance cooperatives shall be applied to the Credit Cooperatives Act and the Insurance Act
    第3-1条 信用合作社、保险合作社,分别依信用合作社法、保险法之规定;
    Confirmed Credit and Unconfirmed Credit


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