1. And author advocates resume one's seat on it and to increase "Writing for Chronological Table Deng Xiaoping's works", and so that arrange in chronological of arrangement of same. 主张应恢复原表,并相应增加“邓小平部分著作写作年代表”,以利于同类书按写作年代顺序排。
2. Statutory succession : this refers to heirs scope, the order of succession, inheritance distribution, according to the law of succession. 法定继承:是指继承人范围、继承顺序、遗产分配原则等,均按法律规定进行的继承方式。
3. Thereby; we can say resprouting secondary succession is a new succession model which is different to the existed theory of succession probably. 因此,一定程度上可以说,萌枝次生演替是完全不同于已有各种群落学演替理论的一种新的演替模式。
4. Viral-mediated mortality may not only affect algal species succession, but also affect intraspecies succession, the abundance and diversity of host cell communities in natural marine environments. 由病毒介导的宿主死亡不仅可影响藻类物种的种间演替,也可能会影响种内演替、藻类群落的丰度及多样性等。
5. This succession series is consistent with the results got by traditional ways, showing that these methods are applicable in the plant community succession studies. 该演替序列与传统的研究结果基本相同,说明利用模糊聚类分析和主成分分析方法研究植被演替是可行的。