1. The present invention may be applied to any calling user who requires hiding the calling user number service, including POC calling user. 本发明可以适用于包括基于蜂窝系统的即按即讲POC主叫用户在内的任何需要隐藏主叫号码业务的主叫用户。
2. The present invention may be applied to any calling user who requires hiding the calling user number service, including POC calling user. 本发明可以适用于包括基于蜂窝系统的即按即讲POC主叫用户在内的任何需要隐藏主叫号码业务的主叫用户。
3. Automatic Bill Calling — a method of billing for payphone calls. Changed in 1982 to Calling Card service. 自动计费呼叫—一种对公用电话呼叫进行计费的方法。1982年改为呼叫卡服务。
4. Lithographing that is, it came to pass business card printing and membership card making, belong to the offset business card printing making and membership card. 石印即石版制卡和会员卡制息,属于平版制卡和会员卡制息的初始阶段。
5. The industry analysis of the view that the business card printing and membership card equipment import tariff policy adjustment for domestic card and membership card equipment import trade. 业内人士分析认为,制卡和会员卡制作设备进口税政策的调整对于我国制卡和会员卡制作设备进口贸易影响极大。