1. Common foot diseases include high bow foot, flat foot, bunions, over pronated foot , fasten foot, calluses, corn, plantar fasciitis, and heel spur, etc. 常见足部疾病如高弓足、扁平足、拇趾外翻、外旋足、内旋足、鸡眼、足底筋膜炎、足跟骨刺等数十种。
2. Common foot diseases include high bow foot, flat foot, bunions, over pronated foot , fasten foot, calluses, corn, plantar fasciitis, and heel spur, etc. 常见足部疾病如高弓足、扁平足、拇趾外翻、外旋足、内旋足、鸡眼、足底筋膜炎、足跟骨刺等数十种。