1. Germany started the Alliance System to isolate France and supported Pan-Germanism to unite with the Germany in Austria under one great Germany state. 由德国发起的一种联盟体系,意在孤立法国,支持泛日尔曼体系集中在奥地利的日尔曼族,形成一个大德意志国家状态。
2. Germany started the Alliance System to isolate France and supported Pan-Germanism to unite with the Germany in Austria under one great Germany state. 由德国发起的一种联盟体系,意在孤立法国,支持泛日尔曼体系集中在奥地利的日尔曼族,形成一个大德意志国家状态。
3. The Apostle Peter talks to us about a diet also. 使徒彼得也跟我们谈到一些特别的饮食。
4. It seemed that the Apostle would die during his Centennial . 看来好像使徒会在他的百岁纪念年逝去。
5. Paul, a slave of Christ Jesus, a called apostle, separated unto the gospel of God. 基督耶稣的奴仆保罗,蒙召的使徒,被分别出来归于神福音的;