1. Inverness alley courtyard was Wuchang Zhifu late Qing Jun-Bin of residential, Inverness alley in the Lower East Side, 129. 礼士胡同四合院原为清末武昌知府宾俊的住宅,在东城礼士胡同129号。
2. A cat, for instance, is much more dexterous with its paws than a dog. This dexterity fascinates cat lovers, who also cite the cat's legendary standoffishness as proof of its mental superiority. 比如猫对其手掌的控制灵活度要比狗强很多,所以很多猫的爱好者会认为这是猫比狗聪明的体现。
3. oh…cat, in Taiwan we can see curs everywhere, but in Turkey I saw many alley cats and few curs. 说到猫,台湾的路上到处是野狗,但在土耳其,我倒是看到一堆猫,狗很少。
4. Ross drove aimlessly through the outer suburbs, sharing the wide, wet road with the occasional noctambulant alley cat, a carload of cheering carousers, and electric mini-van delivering milk. 洛斯驾车漫无目的地向远离市区的郊外开去,行驶在宽阔潮湿的道路上,偶尔会有胡同里跑出来的夜游猫,一车狂呼乱喊者和一辆微型电动送奶车。
5. A tiger is a kind of catamount animal. It looks like a cat, but much bigger than a cat. 老虎是猫科动物的一种,它看起来像猫却比猫大很多。