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    1. Your guidance assists you individually and your guidance teaches you the way to calmness, the way to adventure, the way to joy and the way of life upon your planet.
    2. The way you vote, the way you live, the way you protest, the pressure you bring to bear on your government, has an impact way beyond your borders.
    3. In the competition, on the basis of aerobic metabolism, the energy supply way with ATP-CP is the main way, and the energy supply way with glycolysis (ELP) is the supplementary way.
    4. Its energy extends all the way around your body and moves also all the way inwards to the core of your heart.
    5. You take your snifter glass, you put it down all the way, and if it goes all the way to the rim, it's a full ounce.


    clear the way get out of the road give way give way to make way
    clear the way get out of the road give way give way to make way
    clear the way get out of the road give way give way to make way
    clear the way get out of the road give way give way to make way
    go all the way on all fours
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