1. Perfectly designed recall notices play an important role in the whole process of vehicle product recalls, the good recall notices can directly cause higher recall response rate. 缺陷汽车产品召回通知在整个召回过程中起到了重要作用,设计完美的召回通知可以直接导致较高的召回响应率。
2. Theresponsiblities of the government managerial section in the active recall and enforced recall ensure realizing the value of the system. 政府主管机构在主动召回和指令召回程序中的几大类职责,是制度价值得以实现的根本保障。
3. DA at encoding disrupted this effect in both free recall and serial recall; 在编码阶段分配注意,自由回忆和顺序回忆中的知觉分组效应均消失;
4. This is the fourth largest single recall ever since the recall system was established in Japan in 1969. 这一数量是日本1969年建立召回制后在一次性召回数量中排名第四。
5. Theresponsiblities of the government managerial section in the active recall and enforced recall ensure realizing the value of the system. 政府主管机构在主动召回和指令召回程序中的几大类职责,是制度价值得以实现的根本保障。